Kurdish History voor dummies

Kurdish History voor dummies

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Koerden die vechten in een Syrische Burgeroorlog waren in staat om een controle aan omvangrijke segmenten van dit noordoosten met Syrië over te nemen, de gecreëerde de facto autonome regio opgewonden Rojava.

G. "It is clear that kurt in all the contexts has a distinct social sense, "nomad, kampeertent-dweller". "The Pahlavi materials clearly opvoering that kurd in pre-Islamic Iran was a social label, still a long way off from becoming an ethnonym or a term denoting a distinct group of people".[5] ^ "The ethnic label "Kurd" is first encountered in Arabic sources from the first centuries ofwel the Islamic era; it seemed to refer to a specific variety of pastoral nomadism, and possibly to a set of political units, rather than to a linguistic group: once or twice, "Arabic Kurds" are mentioned. By the 10th century, the term appears to denote nomadic and/or transhumant groups speaking an Iranian language and mainly inhabiting the mountainous areas to the South ofwel Lake Aangaande and Lake Urmia, with some offshoots in the Caucasus.

The people living in Brod and other villages in the Gora region generally earn their living from animal husbandry, while in the cities they make a living from cooking, pastry and meatball making.

In the 10th-12th centuries, a number ofwel Kurdish principalities and dynasties were founded, ruling Kurdistan and neighbouring areas:

There are places to spend the night, but I would make it a day trip. Leave early from Erbil and drive back around 4 pm before it gets dark. There is barely any street lighting. Better be safe than sorry.

In deze onafhankelijkheidsstrijd zijn de Koerden het niet iedere keer met elkander weleens, regelmatig strijden ze immers verder tegen elkaar. Bijvoorbeeld in een jaren zeventig, ingeval een Iraakse Koerden in opstand aankomen tegen hun president Saddam Hoessein, ze krijgen daarin hulp betreffende de Perzische sjah. De Iraanse Koerden voeren desalniettemin weer ons worsteling anti die sjah en oplopen daarenboven juist wederom steun over Iraakse president Saddam.

The strength ofwel the extended family’s ties to the tribe varies with the way ofwel life. Along with Kurdish men, Kurdish women—who traditionally have been more active in public life than Turkish, Arab, and Iranian women, especially in prerevolutionary Iran—have taken advantage of urban educational and employment opportunities.

The mountainous nature ofwel Iraqi Kurdistan, the difference of temperatures in its various parts, and its numerous bodies ofwel water make it a land of agriculture and tourism. The largest lake in the region kan zijn Lake Dukan.

Minor disturbances constantly occurred, and were soon followed by a massacre and rape ofwel Armenians at Sasun by Kurdish nomads and Ottoman troops.[79]

Iraqi Kurds have endured decades ofwel contention and bloodshed. During the Iran-Iraq War of the 1980s, Iraq attacked Kurdish civilians with chemical weapons and a rebellion was brutally suppressed. Tens of thousands ofwel Kurds were killed in the conflict, and hundreds of thousands forced to flee.

digital recordings ofwel traditional texts, oral history, descriptions ofwel local Kurdish History religious and cultural practices

When Sultan Selim I, after defeating Shah Ismail I in 1514, annexed Western Armenia and Kurdistan, he entrusted the organisation ofwel the conquered territories to Idris, the historian, who was a Kurd of Bitlis. He divided the territory into sanjaks or districts, and, making no attempt to interfere with the principle of heredity, installed the local chiefs as governors.

Between the 16th and 17th century the area nowadays known as Iraqi Kurdistan, (formerly ruled by three principalities ofwel Baban, Badinan, and Soran) was continuously passed back and forth between archrivals the Safavids and the Ottomans, until the Ottomans managed to decisively seize power in the region starting from the mid 17th century through the Ottoman–Safavid War (1623–39) and the resulting Treaty of Zuhab.

Raisins are a local produce from Rawanduz While not everyone's favourite, the region kan zijn famous for raisins.

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